Halloween With Leighton Denny*

Once upon a time, I used to draw different patterns onto my nails each week. Depending what mood I was in, every Sunday night I'd spend a whole lot of time doing my nails. So when I was sent these two lovely Leighton Denny nail polishes from Alex Silver PR I was eager to create a some Halloween themed nails. Also, black and red are my favorite colors so these nail polishes have quickly become my favorites.

Places To Visit in Gran Canarias

A few weeks ago, Sam and I went to Gran Canarias for the week for an autumnal getaway in the sun. Last time I was there I didn't really do much as I spent a lot of my time hungover, and I don't handle hangovers very well at all. So this time we were determined to get out and about a bit more, and we did. So I thought I'd share the places we visited with you guys in case you're ever out there and need something to do.

Binge Worthy Netflix Series || Part 1

Now, I don't know about you but at this time of year, I personally love snuggling up with a blanket and something to binge watch. Who needs to leave the house when you have Internet, am I right? Yeah, I am. The problem with this is that I find myself searching Netflix for my next binge worth series only to find nothing appealing and I end up watching a really bad film that I thought was a series until it was nearly finished and I then realise it is in fact a film. Easy mistake. So I thought I'd share some of the series that I have binged watched and would do so again.

Mad Hatter Inspired Makeup

If there's any Disney film I actually love it's got to be Alice In Wonderland, everybody in that film is absolutely bonkers and I love it. If I could live anywhere it'd be Wonderland. So with Halloween coming up I thought I'd try a Mad Hatter inspired make up look. I say inspired because it's not really a full-on Mad Hatter look.

Style Inspo || Halloween Edition

It's finally that time of year again, I absolutely love Halloween. Maybe it's because I get to decorate my house with scary stuff, maybe it's just because of the time of year... I don't know. Another perk of Halloween is the clothing, am I right? Pumpkins and skeletons everywhere. So I thought I'd share some of my favorite finds, hopefully you like them too.

Books For October

I love a good book, it's like you're being transported to a different world for a bit and you get to imagine it completely how you want. Although I haven't done a lot of reading lately, I thought I'd share some books that I've read in the past and not been able to put down because they're so good.